Monday, March 28, 2005

The Last Few Days

I've not posted for a few days. There's a couple of reasons for this. Firstly I've been out and away from my computer. Secondly, I've spent the last 36 hour in bed ill, which has been a bit crap (although I did spend some time watching the original Star Wars trilogy, which is sort of like my comfort blanket when I'm ill).
But since I last posetd I've been to my friends 21st. Which was fun, but also slightly mad. Although we did go to a cool bar (bar 38 if anyone's interested) and then to a terrible club where they were still playing the theme from s-express (which died in 1988 as far as I knew). And then we went for a kebab, which I'll always approve of.
Anyway, since then the only exciting thing to have happened is the new series of Doctor Who, which was ok but not brilliant, aimed at kids a bit too much I thought, but then, hasn't it always been a kids programme?
Anyway, that's all I'm writing for now cos I'm still not feeling too well so going to go to bed. I'll try and write somethig slightly more sensical tomorrow.


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