Saturday, April 09, 2005


It's been a week since I last wrote anything. The simple reason for that is that I've spent the last week at my Mum and Dads taking a week out. The fact that my Mum and Dad have internet at all is a miracle; that it's slower than an asthmatic ant that’s had all its legs broken and is pulling itself along with its feelers means that if you can check your e-mails without spending 30 minutes waiting for a page to load you've done well so there was no chance of me adding to the blog. So, to the literal 2 of you that have been eagerly anticipating my next post... ok, idly wondering when I'd post again, I apologise for the delay.

The idea of me going away was to hopefully spend some time trying to come to a final decision about what I'm going to do come June when my course ends, but I ended up having a great, if strange week. My Mum and Dad both work in schools and were therefore both on holiday, so we spent the days going around different places that I haven't been to for years. (I spent my evenings having a drink with old school friends, which was nice).
What's struck me most this week though is the way memories can hit you. As we went to the various parks and country walks, round places that haven't changed in the 26 years I've been going to them, I was reminded of so many different events and people; grandparents, first kisses, summer days playing cricket, old school friends, family arguments, ex girlfriends. But it wasn't the memories of these events that hit me, it was the way being back in those places, being reminded about those events, made me remember who I was then, and what I'd felt. It was like an echo of who I'd been, and occasionally it felt like I was that old 'me' again, like a soft focus flash back in a cheap made for tv movie.
If this sounds all a bit sentimental and ridiculous, that's basically because it is both ridiculously sentimental and basically ridiculous, but its been that sort of week.
If nothing else it's convinced me that there's no way I want my life to stay the way it is at the moment. So it's helped make my decision about the future a lot easier.


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