Tuesday, May 17, 2005

7 Days Later...

I've been really uninspired to write anything this last week. Not really sure why since it's been neither the dullest of weeks or the busiest of weeks, but there you go. I'm also slightly sleep deprived at the moment. This isn't due to one of my occasional bouts of insomnia, but because I've been lent seies 3 of 24 to watch on dvd. If you've ever watched a series of 24 then you'll know it's one of those prgrammes that always end in a place where you want to know what happens next, so you end up saying "I'll just watch one more episode" to yourself until you realise you've watched all the episodes on that disc. It is actually very good and very well written, so it's worth watching.

Not really done anything interesting this week. Except that I've got tickets for the midnight showing of episode 3 on Thursday (this time tomorrow night!!!) so I've been increasingly looking forward to that the more I read the positive reviews people like Kevin Smith and Simon Pegg are giving it, but I'm sure I'll be writing about that on Thursday so I won't go into that now.

Other than that, a fairly normal week. Had a good night on Friday playing poker with some friends. Bought (though due to 24 not got round to watching) Garden State on dvd. Today, I bought some new shorts for my impending Cypriot holiday and finally used the live chat (telephone for free over the internet) option on ichat with Jo in the states, which was really cool. Even if she was watching 'not another teen movie' for which there's no excuse.

Right, got to go to bed now. Got the last four episodes of 24 to watch, and the last new Star Wars film I'll ever see to look forward too.


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