Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Big Brother - and an apology

I hate Big Brother.
It started again whilst I was in Cyprus. Have completely avoided any sort of news or sight of it until tonight at Hannah and Sam's. It's rubbish. A house full of self important idiots that think their discussions on how easily they can go to to the toilet makes them relaxed and interesting people. A tv format that was interesting for most of one series (although I'm still annoyed that Anna 'pack away all your fun', the lesbian nun didn't win!) but has spawned so many annoying sequals and copycats that I've lost count. IT"S JUST NOT INTERESTING ANYMORE! so... why, having only caught 15 minutes of the evil thing, do I want to know what's happening now? I'm hooked after 15 minutes!!!
I'm sure Big Brother is the tv equivalent of smoking 40 cigs a day. once you have one, you just want the next. I'm determined not to get addicted again, but it's just so tempting... maybe if I just watch one episode the desperation will go away.

Finally, an apology. I'm sorry (again to those of you who complained already) that I said 'I hate this place' in connection to Edinburgh. Let me say that Edinburgh us a lovely city and that I have some very good friends here, it's just that I don't want to be here anymore and am not happy here. Because I feel like that and because I was coming back from holiday, I just felt like I hate the place. Sorry for any offence caused (Rosie, who by the way has a new blog).


At 6:01 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't do it james, stay away from Big Brother, before you know it you'll be logging onto the website for live 24hr coverage - go cold turkey my friend, it's the only way out......


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