Wednesday, June 08, 2005


I got called 'cute' twice today. Let me make something clear. If there's one thing a guy (in the non-generic sense this time) does not want to be called, it's cute! Baby's are cute. Kids can, when they're not doing their best impression of satan on a bad day, be cute. Your girlfriend (if you're lucky enough to have one), when she does that shy smile thing when you embarrass her, is cute. I am not cute. I can be good looking, although this is completely reliant on a girl having bad taste and probably having drunk a bit too. I can be 'kind of attractive in a non-attractive way' (a direct quote from an ex!). But I am not cute. Cute to a guy (or at least to me) means 'you're someone I find in no-way attractive and think you look kind of comical in a puppy sat in it's own urine type way'.

And another thing. Had a coffee today with Rosie, the friend who complains when I say I don't like Edinburgh. We were talking about guys and girls, and inpaticular about the whole actually finding out if someone likes you or not thing. I'd told her the other night about a girl I'd been texting, and how, after three days of us both sending texts she'd stopped. I told her this thinking that she'd be able to give me a female perspective on the situation. Was she any help? Well, eventually yes. But first had to go through being called cute (for the first time today), AND THEN being called a girl because I was actually worrying (well, maybe not worrying but certainly very interested) about what was going on with this girl. Just let me make something else clear. Guys actually think about these things too. Sure there are some guys that don't, just like there are some girls that don't, but the majority of us who are actually looking for a girlfriend, rather than a quick snog/shag, are absolutely as clueless about girls ways of showing whether they do (or more often don't) like you as girls are about guys. It's true. We just dont talk about it as much as girls do, but then that's probably true about most things.

And by the way, 24 hours now without any Big Brother. Cold Turkey is the only way to go.


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