Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Back in Sheffield

I'm back in Sheffield now. Sat in the room I grew up in, the walls still decorated with the blue and white paint I chose when I was 10, along with the border of ships and planes that I thought was great 16 years ago. But there the similarity to the room I grew up in ends. It's now more of a store room with a bed and my Mum and Dad's computer in it than anything else. And I'm having to use that computer since my powerbook won't connect to their aol service and if you try and do more than one thing on it at a time, it crashes. Which made one of my friends comment that it is obviously a bloke! If this is true, then maybe I finally understand what you women have to put with from us, since this is now the third time I've tried to write this entry and each time I tried to coax a bit more life out of it, it crashed. If this is what it's like to try and cope with a bloke, I can only apologise.

The trip from Edinburgh to Sheffield went fine. Alastiar kindly drove me and my small amount of possessions in the Granton Minibus and Sam and Hannah kindly kept us company on our road trip. It was all good, if tinged with the usual boredom of long distance driving, which was relieved with a bizarre game where we listened to Hannah's ipod and had to mime to the others the lyrics of the song so they could try and guess what it was, especially funny when Hannah tried it!

It's very strange suddenly having absolutely nothing to do. No essays (hurrah!), no clubs, no meetings, no work, nothing. All I have to do is lie in and catch up with friends, so it's obviously going to be a hard three weeks! The boredom is of course put off since I get to talk to some wonderful people, both here and in the strange world of msn.

Last night I got to go out with two of those wonderful people, Tina and Zoe. We went to the forum, which I love, for some Salsa dancing, which I in no way love. Don't get me wrong, I love the music, I just have an ineptness at dancing that is surprising considering the great sense of rhythm I have when it has nothing to do with dancing. Luckily though, Zoe wasn't particularly excited about the dancing, and Tina, whose idea it was, was still too tired from her previous night out to do anything but sit, drink and chat. Which we did, and had great fun. I won't recount the conversation, but I will give you my favourite (anonymous) quote of the night:
"I always used to hear my parents having sex, just not with each other!"


At 11:13 pm, Blogger Moondust said...

Hey!! You're a Mac guy!! :o) Which powerbook do you have? (Sorry...girls are not meant to ask such questions...) Strange feeling moving back home I guess...I feel that each time I go back to Malta to visit my friends and family, it feels slightly less like home...don't get me wrong...home is home...but well, it's different...STOP ME I'll go on forever...hehe but it reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw on the back of a VW van..."Home is where you park it..." :o)

At 11:30 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The joys of being back home. I to am in a room I decorated when I was seven - think flowery and pink. I hate pink! Enjoy your time at home for a bit - at least you know when you are leaving. See you in London soon!

At 1:13 am, Blogger TLT said...

awwww you're gone *sob* ah well, maybe we'll meet again sometime... glad to hear you journey went well though... do stay in touch


At 2:22 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Good to have you back in sunny sheffield for a few weeks, looking forward to some more fun nights out!

Your computer being male thing reminded me of this that I was once sent:
Reasons to believe computers are male:
1. They have a lot of data, but are still clueless.
2. They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they are the problem.
3. A better model is always just around the corner.
4. They look nice and shiny until you bring them home.
5. It is always necessary to have a backup.
6. As soon as you commit to one you realize that, if you had waited a little longer, you could have obtained a better model.
7. The best part of having either one is the games you can play.
8. In order to get their attention, you have to turn them on.
9. Big power surges knock them out for the rest of the night.
10. They'll do whatever you say if you push the right buttons.
11. Size does matter!

I'd say that's a pretty strong argument, what do you think?! :)

At 2:10 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still feeling tired, but had such an amazing week!

At 4:47 pm, Blogger Chris H said...

Typical! You move to Edinburgh just as I move to London... and when I move back to Scotland you end up in the big smoke! :)

Hope you had a good time up in God's own country.


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