Monday, June 20, 2005


The last couple of days have been days of real contrast. Had a bbq on the beach, which was both unusual and great fun. Other than that though I've been feeling in a real state of limbo. Not really any use here anymore since we're down to our last week of youthclubs. Just really ready to get out of here, but can't go for another couple of weeks. Plus, the number of essays I still have to do is ridiculous. Admittedly that's mainly due to my more relaxed attitude to deadlines (I love the Douglas Adam's attitude to deadlines, he said that he 'loves deadline, especially the whooshing noise they make as they go by').
On Sunday night I got dropped off from a Make Poverty History thing (where I played plugged in for the first time in ages and it didn't go too bad). Still feeling pretty lousy, but there was an incredible sunset, so I decided to go for a walk along the coast with my ipod. As I walked along, listening to the Abbey Road finale (which everyone should try and do this week, tracks 14,15&16 of the Beatles Abbey Road) on one side of the road I was looking at this:

The Other Side of the Road

Sorry if you can't make it out but the only camera I had with me (or actually have for that matter) is a crappy phone camera. If you can't make it out, it's a dump with a burnt out caravan. It's a horrible mess.

However on the other side of the road was this:

Sunset at Crammond

An amazing sunset! And there was how I was feeling, somewhere on the horizon I can see something good, I'm just stuck in a horrible mess at the moment.

By the way... I'm going to see U2 tomorrow, it's a beautiful day! (sorry for that, I promise no bad uses of lyrics ever again).


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