Monday, August 22, 2005

Late Night Chats

What is it about late night chats that make them so much more interesting than the normal conversations that you have? It's 2:00 Saturday night (or more accurately Sunday Morning). I've just finished an 8 hour shift at the bar. Some of the guys there have actually been working since 10:00 the previous morning. We're all knackered, we all just want to collapse. But someone suggests 'a quick drink' before we go home and before I know what's going on, I'm looking at the clock and realising that it's 4:45 in the morning. Over the last 3 hours we've gone through funny animal stories (one day I'll tell you my squirrel story, but I'll save that for when I can't think of anything else to write), our lives where we grew up, the problems of race relations in South Africa and New Zealand, the problems with the bar we work at (and how to fix them) and various other topics of conversation (I'm sure music and film came up at one point). It was a great night, even though I got home knackered and collapsed in bed til mid Sunday afternoon.

As a side note, don't you hate it when you're in a conversation and you feel that someone somewhere is entirely missing the point but you're not sure if it's you or not. When we were talking about South Africa and Apartheid, one of the guys there suggested that things were actually better under apartheid because there was no corruption, people generally had a better standard of life and that even lots of black South Africans thought so. This was one of those horrible moments when I realised I just didn't know enough about the situation and could only stutter 'erm's' and 'I'm not sure about that's' in a very English way.


At 7:46 pm, Blogger Cisco said...

I remember those day. going to work at about 2 or 3 in the afternoon and after work just go somplecae with either people from work or firends....up all night sleep all day til you have to go to work the next day..

At 8:07 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, great to see you posting again.. I was getting withdrawals!!!

No sign of you on MSN or ichat lately, what's going on??

Hope to catch you soon


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