Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Just so you understand, when I say Limbo, I'm not talking about the good kind where attractive and athletic women prove just how flexible they are by walking, bent backwards under a pole but limbo as in 'stuck in limbo'. These last two weeks I've had no sessional work with YIP and I don't start my next job until next week so I find myself with absolutely nothing to do. This is now to the point of just lying in bed all day watching dvd's and trying to work up the energy to leave the house or think of something interesting to do when you're trying to save money, so today my highlight is going to be going online for a few minutes and later, ane you may need to grip something here in order to cope with the sheer excitement of this, get my hair cut. i never thought I'd be in a position where I'm actually looking forward to working, I've always been so good at doing nothing. What's happening to me? Is it possible I'm all doing nothinged out?


At 6:38 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

james, since moving back to London you've confessed a slide towards 'monica' style cleaning and now you're saying you're bored of doing nothing... ... who are you and what have you done with the old james??!!!!


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