Thursday, September 22, 2005

Two Months Later

A lot has changed for me in the last couple of months. I've moved from Edinburgh, via Sheffield, back to London. I've got my first professional youth work job and my first real job of any sort for a good few years. I've worked in a bar full of South Africans and, when not messing about with spits and carrying crates of beer up the seemingly endless stairs, enjoyed it. I've made a whole bunch of new friends, caught up with some very good friends and seemingly lost one or two as well (nothing I've done I might add, they just haven't been in touch with me despite my texts, but there you go).
I've shared a flat with one of my best friends, and his wife, which, whilst I was worried would be awkward since I didn't really know her that well before hand and, well, they are pretty much still fairly newly wed (they got married in February). But this has turned out to be a great couple of months of flat sharing, which ends on Saturday when I move temporarily, to share a bedroom (although, and I can't stress this enough!) not a bed with one of the guys that I've met.
All these cosmetic changes have been great and very much needed, but, and allow me a quick navel gazing moment here, over these last couple of months I've started to feel more and more at ease with myself, my work, my spirituality and started, dare I say this, to feel kind of happy and settled. A lot of the reasons for this is the amazing group of friends (both old and new) I have here and the support, friendship and encouragement they've shown me. I'm sure this feeling won't last, it usually doesn't (you see, I'm still a skeptical, cynical Northener at heart) but for now, well, things are on the up.

And just a quick word to Jo. Don't worry mate, the cleaning has tailed off a bit and, I'm sure as soon as I start work I'll be ready to do nothing as much as possible, it's just two months (with the odd day of work here and there) doing nothing can test the endurance of even the laziest do nothinger, and I don't think I'm quite of the laziest ones, although I'm sure I could get there with enough practice.


At 7:45 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

phew.... thanks for the reassurance James.
It's great to hear how things have come together.. I can't wait to catch over pints at Christmas if not before..
jo x


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